Monday, March 16, 2020

Free Essays on St. Augustines Belifs

St Augustine had similar beliefs as Plato. For example â€Å"In the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God: the same was the beginning with God; all things were made by Him and without him was made nothing that was made; in Him was life and the life was the light of men, and the light shines in darkness and the darkness did not comprehend it.†(p.116/IX) What he is saying here is expressed in a metamorphic way. The light is God and, the truth, all his teachings and everything that he had created. It projected itself on the darkness which is the humans, everyday people. Augustine states that â€Å"one must believe in order to understand.† He states that god must give one faith. This gift from God which is grace, determines if one believes or not. To understand one must have faith in God. When they have faith in God they will then be able to open their minds and begin to understand his teachings. â€Å"Again I found in them that the word, G od was born not of flesh nor blood, nor of the evil of man nor of the will of the flesh, but of God, but I did not find that the word became flesh.†(p116/IX) What he is saying here was that the word came not from these places but from God himself and it will not become flesh until it is loved and believed. Until we believe we will not understand. Once we believe an understanding will begin to bloom. He says we should hid these teachings from the wise and share them with the young. Meek and humble of hearts shall absorb his teachings and learn to forgive sins and love one another and find peace. While those who wear high boots shall not learn his ways and will remain ignorant to his teachings and carry a foolish heart. We must have faith in order to understand God and reach a state of grace. There are some things in the world that we might think as evil. They might be stormy winds, tornadoes, or flash floods. We see them as evil because they do not fit in with our ways of l... Free Essays on St. Augustine's Belifs Free Essays on St. Augustine's Belifs St Augustine had similar beliefs as Plato. For example â€Å"In the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God: the same was the beginning with God; all things were made by Him and without him was made nothing that was made; in Him was life and the life was the light of men, and the light shines in darkness and the darkness did not comprehend it.†(p.116/IX) What he is saying here is expressed in a metamorphic way. The light is God and, the truth, all his teachings and everything that he had created. It projected itself on the darkness which is the humans, everyday people. Augustine states that â€Å"one must believe in order to understand.† He states that god must give one faith. This gift from God which is grace, determines if one believes or not. To understand one must have faith in God. When they have faith in God they will then be able to open their minds and begin to understand his teachings. â€Å"Again I found in them that the word, G od was born not of flesh nor blood, nor of the evil of man nor of the will of the flesh, but of God, but I did not find that the word became flesh.†(p116/IX) What he is saying here was that the word came not from these places but from God himself and it will not become flesh until it is loved and believed. Until we believe we will not understand. Once we believe an understanding will begin to bloom. He says we should hid these teachings from the wise and share them with the young. Meek and humble of hearts shall absorb his teachings and learn to forgive sins and love one another and find peace. While those who wear high boots shall not learn his ways and will remain ignorant to his teachings and carry a foolish heart. We must have faith in order to understand God and reach a state of grace. There are some things in the world that we might think as evil. They might be stormy winds, tornadoes, or flash floods. We see them as evil because they do not fit in with our ways of l...

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