Monday, October 7, 2019

Central line infection in hospitals Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Central line infection in hospitals - Essay Example A further sense of dissatisfaction exists in the presences of barriers. There exist many barriers. However, since nursing is a broad field, some of the barriers are out of control and the nurse cannot do anything about them. However, in this context, the nurse is the key object and thus ha control over this. (Berger & Luckmann, 1966). The most evident barrier in effective communication is in occupational culture. An experienced nurse develops a strong passion in a ward practice. This is because there is constant communication sharing of experiences with patients. However, the occupational or ward culture is a barrier in the sense that most nurses allow one individual to generate ideas so that they can follow. This denies them the chance to exploit their potential by interacting directly with patients. The journal is a peer-reviewed with the capability to address current clinical matters. The authors give their best reasons as to why each person has a role to play in establishing a healthy environment. In this discussion, my clinical problem is ineffective communication skills. Already, the occupational structure is the pervasive barrier. However, they give emphasis on everybody’s responsibility in ensuring effective communication. Their use of the Parse’s Theory of Human Becoming makes it a reliable reference. In their article, Chant ET. Al. (2002) addresses the communication skill problem using effective examples. Having based their findings on a research about the nursing education; England, they give the best arguments. While disclosing the problem using literature knowledge, they as well give barriers that make communication a real barrier. In addition, they provide strategies on how to handle this clinical problem. This publication is a manual that helps in developing a hypothesis for a clinical question. Its descriptive

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