Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Presented as a Journal opinion article Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Presented as a Journal opinion article - Essay Example These for sure interests and attracts the Wall Street Journal readers. To start with, proper shelter is one of the fundamental needs of people. This in some cases is not the case as many people lack proper shelter due to certain conditions like poverty, drug addiction among others. The price of houses in America has rapidly gone up leaving many Americans to afford the set home prices. However, the house prices may reduce a little bit during their bubble peaks but still high costs affect Americans during this period (Izzo Web). Accordingly, mortgage rates have also increased recently leaving Americans with no choice but to cope with the situation. Arguably, about half of the population is not married, about 40 percent of children are born out of wedlock, and the number of working women and working men are closely related. Joint filing does not really matter nowadays in serving the social objectives as majority of the Americans are driven by individualism. In this case, â€Å"reframin g the tax to various families will assist in solving certain problems and at the same time create more† (Izzo Web). Those dealing with tax operation should therefore be concerned with the social change in the society, and we can as well argue that the power of the yield curve for future growth has risen. Another burning economic issue that is of interest of the Wall Street Journal readers is based on the relationship between the cities and the entrepreneurship. People are very interested in cities and their role in promoting startups to facilitate the nourishment of entrepreneurship. The creating and growth of business activities continues to diminish for some time now. The question that many Americans ask is; what in particular the American cities can do in order to support the home-grown businesses? (Casselman Web). The fact is, the cities cannot devote their full support to the business as most American economists argue that the government has the capability to protect, sup port and promote entrepreneurship and maintain the nourishment of these businesses. However, entrepreneurial cities also share qualities like â€Å"access to smart capital, the availability of role models, and a mix of large and small businesses† (Casselman Web). All these qualities are very significant in the growth of American businesses. The last pressing economic issue currently is unemployment and the job openings. Although the U.S has been working hard on how to recover economically for about four years now, the issue of unemployment still prevails but not as it were before. In April 2009, for every job opening, there were three Americans ready and willing to go for the job and work (Cronin Web). The situation got worse in July where there were six people going for the available opening job. The job market faces difficulty of meeting the needs of many jobless people. With many jobless Americans willing to work, the job openings have reduced making it difficult for the m arkets to absorb all of them. However, reports have indicated that the hiring rate has increased tremendously even after the job opening reduced (Cronin Web). In a nutshell, whenever there is a challenge in the economy of any state, there has to be consequences and in most cases negative ones. High cost of living, unemployment and reduced business activities are some of the negative impacts posed by poor economy. Stiff competition among the job seekers any available job opportunity is

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