Monday, December 30, 2019

Leadership and The Big Five Personality Profile - 3105 Words

Leadership has no universal definition because it is complex, and because leadership is studied in different ways that require different definitions (PH.D. Lussier D.B.A. Achua, 2013). When I define a good leader, I include characteristics such as motivating, influencing, innovative and trustworthy. A leader has many characteristics which they must put to use in order to reach out and impact multiple people in different stages of life. Leaders must be able to communicate well with others in order to convey a message successfully yet still have a good relationship with their followers as to not over use their power. I believe I am a born leader and possess many of these characteristics, some which came naturally and others which I have acquired over the years. Chapter II Discussion When beginning this class I thought I knew it all, I was born a leader and grew up taking on many tasks and roles at a young age, growing up in girl scouts had a huge influence in my life. As class continued on and we began to do self-assessments, I took them honestly and wanted to truly see if I was leadership material or if this thought of becoming a successful leader was just in my head. I reminded myself to be open minded and be excepting to new thoughts and ideas, and not take offense to things that I may do differently than others, but take these things in stride and learn how to improve myself to better an organization. Within the first self-assessment I knew that I was off to aShow MoreRelatedThe Application of the Big Five Model In HR Practice1242 Words   |  5 PagesPsychology Research paper The Application of the Big Five Model In HR Practice Jackie BO YU Advisor: Prof. Rakesh Mittal New York Institute of Technology Abstract This research paper gives a brief introduction of the big five model and applies it into real business work place. Personality has a big influence on how an employee thinks, feels, and behaves when working. 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Sunday, December 22, 2019

Improving Affordability Through Curbing Cost Increases

institutions rarely think of approaches toward this goal. According to the report published by Lumina Foundation, Putting Colleges on Notice: Crafting Smarter Strategies to Improve Affordability through Curbing Cost Increases, college leaders are â€Å"either failing to pay attention, failing to prioritize, or failing to act on the affordability issue† (Fryar and Carlson, 2014, p.3). Current efforts to improve affordability are halted by the insufficient attention and the â€Å"lack of knowledge, evidence, and thoughtful strategy regarding the role of institutional leaders† (p.3). In a 2008 survey, the Iron Triangle: College Presidents Talk About Costs, Access and Quality, a report from the National Center for Public Policy and Higher Education and†¦show more content†¦Institutional leaders, as the entrepreneur for organization culture and value, their perception of the conflict between cost and quality, and the quality first mindset will shape the organization culture and influence institution’s efforts toward affordability. As discussed by Fryar (2014), if leaders perceive efforts to improve affordability as threats to the quality of their institution, efforts toward promoting affordability will be halted. Furthermore, prioritizing quality let college leaders seek for more stable and dependable financial sources. Tuition and fees, as one of the controllable and dependable source, will be the first choice for institution to maintain quality and avoid risk (Fryar, 2014). The dominant ideology that links price with quality in higher education institutions, or in other words, quality is maintained on the base of accumulation of tangible resources and the higher the price is, the better the education will be, is the root problem for the ineffective institutional affordability movements. Reducing Student Debt Burden Higher debt burden for students may increase their probability to default on the loans, and high cohort default rates can negatively reflect on institution quality;

Saturday, December 14, 2019

The Presley Mania Free Essays

I think I’m already a lot prepared. Whew! Wait I need to look really nice†¦ there comes my idol there! Hi Elvis! Hi Elvis!!! Good thing I have my video cam with me! Hey Elvis look at me! I’m your number 1 fan here!!! Ha-ha, nice smile over there I hope that one’s for me. I wish I was musically inclined from childhood up to now that I must have watched the concerts of my only one King of Rock and Roll! God, I never knew that he could be this famous all over the world. We will write a custom essay sample on The Presley Mania or any similar topic only for you Order Now No one can defeat him in his place as the King. God flooded charismas all over the earth and I think he got them all. Hehe. What about his flashy hair and the prominent long side burn that every male should possess, and even a female would want to, haha. It is really his trademark in his performances, and when you ask about him they would surely give this as his first description. Anyway, who would ask about Presley when nobody does not know him? I think even people of the next generation would still remember him for his popularity and impact on the hearts of humanity. One thing I like about Elvis is how he connects to the fans, especially when he begins to sing his songs. I call him Elvis coz I know we have a connection. Many of the fans here try to imitate his hair, the way he talks and his mannerisms. Oh no two of his fans here quarrel about who looks like Elvis more, haha! Good thing about my idol is that even though he got it really a blast with the audience, he makes us feel he is just easy to reach. I remember in one of his concerts in the 70’s: â€Å"Elvis: That’s The Way It Is† when he actually goes into the audience to mingle for a while–being exchanged by a lot of persons which also highlighted a party where exchanges with Elvis and Cary Grant, together with Sammy Davis Jr. appened. I never imagined that he is this down earth in joining his fans, from the most elite to the simplest type of person. That his fans only imagine this to happen but he made it all come true. Sometimes a fan collapses when he looks at them, they feel so much honored. The same with other icons like Michael Jackson, Mariah Carey and Oprah Winfrey. I also heard on his concert 7 years after â€Å"That The Way It Is† that a girl came nearer the stage to see him but unfortunately she was not able to call his attention and was partially snobbed. This girl was really desperate upon doing this, a very few thought that my idol was bad enough to neglect the fact that someone was approaching her, but then maybe he was just being nice to everyone and he wanted to treat the fans equally. One of the highlights of the life of the late Elvis was when he won an award being second all over the world after. The award given was the Golden Globe award and this was really fantastic for Elvis to have won such an honor. He also liked having a live concert because of all the electricity created on the floor. He said it was his most favorite part of the business, not the awards or whatsoever. Frank Sinatra, a friend of Elvis said that he’s going to miss him together with all the praises from the audience, his wonderful music, which only Elvis Presley can create. Even the whole America was astonished; they were really affected by this great loss, as witnessed by the former American president himself, Mr. Jimmy Carter. The world quoted him because he is an icon. Almost everyone listened to what he was saying. He was really a good example to all. I reckon having heard of some of the famous lines he said: Don’t criticize what you don’t understand, son. You never walked in that man’s shoes†¦ I don’t know anything about music. In my line you don’t have to†¦ These lines show that Elvis fostered good attitudes in his big audience. Criswell of The Book of Country Music Wisdom mentioned that he used this as an instrument to instill in the minds of the people the importance of being humble, being critical, being positive, and being true to oneself. He showed us that the music he creates is for the benefit of all, not even just for those who know music, but even for those who will hear it first. Elvis has been influential up to now. In videoke bars the song â€Å"My Way† has always been a hit. There has been a mistake when this song is being played. They say that it has demonic influences on people listening to it and singing it. The story behind this is that everyone would like to sing the song in the microphone for this is their favorite song, and suddenly everything will go the wrong way: they will begin to shoot bad words to each other, and in the long run have some quarrel and they will resort to kill each other. Then they kill or hurt each other as if their inalienable rights were taken from them whenever the mic goes away. Everyone might have wanted to feel the electricity there is whenever Elvis Presley performed. Even so, they would like to be like him. There are still so many things about Elvis Presley that I could still remember but due to the limitations of words I could not think of ways to express them. The feeling that you want to share to other fans your personal experience about your idol would really be helpful. How to cite The Presley Mania, Papers

Friday, December 6, 2019

Facilities Management Theory and Practice System

Question: Discuss about the Facilities Management for Theory and Practice System. Answer: Introduction: In a game whenever there is adjustments in rules of the game players strategies and actions tend to change so as to win the game. This rule tends to be same for businesses. In the 21st century the nature of business conduction has changes tremendously. Hence, for organization good is not enough and excellent has lost its meaning to a new phenomenon known as world class organization. As for world class organizations their newly ideal tend to be relentless pursued by ambitions and daring organizations worldwide because of their status (Bamford Forrester, 2010). Therefore, world class organizations are perceived to have acquired the best of best position in the world given business continuously strives beating oven standards so that they can retain their position. For world class businesses they tend to apply four strategic operational lenses which tend to be effective. First, there is strategy as design where there is development of logical process in forces and constraints which are weighed by an organization for success. Second, there is strategy as experience which works for future strategies of organizations. Third, strategies as ideas which emphasizes on promoting diversity in the organization. Lastly, strategy as discourse which works in terms of language mostly through communication (Lazonick, 2010). Here, command becomes the resource for managers where they shape their objective strategy analysis and personal views (Chiarini Vagnoni, 2015). Thus, this four aspects tend to be sufficient operation strategies for most world class businesses. There are certain valuable operation strategies that are taken by this world class organization, they include (1) continuous improvement strategy which ensures they live longer and avoid complacent which leads to closure (2) they are often obsessed with quality (Alexander, 2013) (3) innovation and reinvention tends to be a key aspect in world class businesses (4) world class businesses are made up of world class leadership which maintains their consistency (5) World class business are known to have knowledge of the global economy (Elg Hultman, 2011). Considering these aspects they tend to fit ones business operations allowing once business world class organization. Based on Forbes analysis Apple Company is the world leading business. Kara et al (2014) states that such firms tend to effectively use the above stated operation strategies. For instance, Apple has effectively focused on continuous improvement by developing their products from iPhone 4 to 7. This shows they are relentless to continuous development as they concentrate on providing quality products. They are also focused on innovation as part of their business making them succeed.Personally, I have been working in the tourism industry. From my personal analysis, I could argue that the level of innovation hasnt been effectively utilized in the tourism industry. For instance, the usage of electronic services such as E-Visa, portals and e-ticketing has been operational in most tourism firms. The issue of security and safety of tourist tends to be a problem for the tourism industry (Brown et al, 2013). There is also the issue of language problem facing tourist visiting a new areas. For mos t tourist firms they havent effectively considered this factor. Hence, the reason as to why most tourism firms arent listed in the 100 best companies by Forbes because they havent exploited these operational strategies leading to their effectiveness. I also tend to have a cloth line based on world class operations as stated I tend to be obsessed with quality and innovation as a strategy of attracting customers. I also tend to research on the current fashion trend making me attain knowledge of the global economy on whats trending for my business as I market my products via social media platforms. In conclusion consideration of this factors tend to be sufficient for most businesses. This is because the levels of efficiency is expected to increase for a business once this measures are put in operation. Therefore, I would recommend businesses to consider this facts. References Lazonick, W., Mazzucato, M. Tulum, . (2013) Apples changing business model: What should the world's richest company do with all those profits?, Accounting Forum: The Apple Business Model: Value Capture and Dysfunctional Economic and Social Consequences, 37 (4), pp. 249-267. Bamford, D.R. Forrester, P.L. (2010) Essential guide to operations management: concepts and case notes. London: Wiley. Chiarini, A. Vagnoni, E. (2015) World-class manufacturing by Fiat: comparison with Toyota Production System from a strategic management, management accounting, operations management and performance measurement dimension, International Journal of Production Research, 53 (2), pp. 590-606. Elg, U. Hultman, J. (2011) Retailers management of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in their supplier relationships does practice follow best practice?, The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, 21 (5), pp. 445-460. Kara, S., Ibbotson, S. Kayis, B. (2014) Sustainable product development in practice: an international survey, Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 25 (6), pp. 848-872. Brown, S., Bessant, J. R., Lamming, R. (2013). Strategic operations management. Routledge. Alexander, K. (2013). Facilities management: theory and practice. Routledge.