Monday, December 30, 2019

Leadership and The Big Five Personality Profile - 3105 Words

Leadership has no universal definition because it is complex, and because leadership is studied in different ways that require different definitions (PH.D. Lussier D.B.A. Achua, 2013). When I define a good leader, I include characteristics such as motivating, influencing, innovative and trustworthy. A leader has many characteristics which they must put to use in order to reach out and impact multiple people in different stages of life. Leaders must be able to communicate well with others in order to convey a message successfully yet still have a good relationship with their followers as to not over use their power. I believe I am a born leader and possess many of these characteristics, some which came naturally and others which I have acquired over the years. Chapter II Discussion When beginning this class I thought I knew it all, I was born a leader and grew up taking on many tasks and roles at a young age, growing up in girl scouts had a huge influence in my life. As class continued on and we began to do self-assessments, I took them honestly and wanted to truly see if I was leadership material or if this thought of becoming a successful leader was just in my head. I reminded myself to be open minded and be excepting to new thoughts and ideas, and not take offense to things that I may do differently than others, but take these things in stride and learn how to improve myself to better an organization. Within the first self-assessment I knew that I was off to aShow MoreRelatedThe Application of the Big Five Model In HR Practice1242 Words   |  5 PagesPsychology Research paper The Application of the Big Five Model In HR Practice Jackie BO YU Advisor: Prof. Rakesh Mittal New York Institute of Technology Abstract This research paper gives a brief introduction of the big five model and applies it into real business work place. Personality has a big influence on how an employee thinks, feels, and behaves when working. 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