Friday, December 6, 2019

Facilities Management Theory and Practice System

Question: Discuss about the Facilities Management for Theory and Practice System. Answer: Introduction: In a game whenever there is adjustments in rules of the game players strategies and actions tend to change so as to win the game. This rule tends to be same for businesses. In the 21st century the nature of business conduction has changes tremendously. Hence, for organization good is not enough and excellent has lost its meaning to a new phenomenon known as world class organization. As for world class organizations their newly ideal tend to be relentless pursued by ambitions and daring organizations worldwide because of their status (Bamford Forrester, 2010). Therefore, world class organizations are perceived to have acquired the best of best position in the world given business continuously strives beating oven standards so that they can retain their position. For world class businesses they tend to apply four strategic operational lenses which tend to be effective. First, there is strategy as design where there is development of logical process in forces and constraints which are weighed by an organization for success. Second, there is strategy as experience which works for future strategies of organizations. Third, strategies as ideas which emphasizes on promoting diversity in the organization. Lastly, strategy as discourse which works in terms of language mostly through communication (Lazonick, 2010). Here, command becomes the resource for managers where they shape their objective strategy analysis and personal views (Chiarini Vagnoni, 2015). Thus, this four aspects tend to be sufficient operation strategies for most world class businesses. There are certain valuable operation strategies that are taken by this world class organization, they include (1) continuous improvement strategy which ensures they live longer and avoid complacent which leads to closure (2) they are often obsessed with quality (Alexander, 2013) (3) innovation and reinvention tends to be a key aspect in world class businesses (4) world class businesses are made up of world class leadership which maintains their consistency (5) World class business are known to have knowledge of the global economy (Elg Hultman, 2011). Considering these aspects they tend to fit ones business operations allowing once business world class organization. Based on Forbes analysis Apple Company is the world leading business. Kara et al (2014) states that such firms tend to effectively use the above stated operation strategies. For instance, Apple has effectively focused on continuous improvement by developing their products from iPhone 4 to 7. This shows they are relentless to continuous development as they concentrate on providing quality products. They are also focused on innovation as part of their business making them succeed.Personally, I have been working in the tourism industry. From my personal analysis, I could argue that the level of innovation hasnt been effectively utilized in the tourism industry. For instance, the usage of electronic services such as E-Visa, portals and e-ticketing has been operational in most tourism firms. The issue of security and safety of tourist tends to be a problem for the tourism industry (Brown et al, 2013). There is also the issue of language problem facing tourist visiting a new areas. For mos t tourist firms they havent effectively considered this factor. Hence, the reason as to why most tourism firms arent listed in the 100 best companies by Forbes because they havent exploited these operational strategies leading to their effectiveness. I also tend to have a cloth line based on world class operations as stated I tend to be obsessed with quality and innovation as a strategy of attracting customers. I also tend to research on the current fashion trend making me attain knowledge of the global economy on whats trending for my business as I market my products via social media platforms. In conclusion consideration of this factors tend to be sufficient for most businesses. This is because the levels of efficiency is expected to increase for a business once this measures are put in operation. Therefore, I would recommend businesses to consider this facts. References Lazonick, W., Mazzucato, M. Tulum, . (2013) Apples changing business model: What should the world's richest company do with all those profits?, Accounting Forum: The Apple Business Model: Value Capture and Dysfunctional Economic and Social Consequences, 37 (4), pp. 249-267. Bamford, D.R. Forrester, P.L. (2010) Essential guide to operations management: concepts and case notes. London: Wiley. Chiarini, A. Vagnoni, E. (2015) World-class manufacturing by Fiat: comparison with Toyota Production System from a strategic management, management accounting, operations management and performance measurement dimension, International Journal of Production Research, 53 (2), pp. 590-606. Elg, U. Hultman, J. (2011) Retailers management of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in their supplier relationships does practice follow best practice?, The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, 21 (5), pp. 445-460. Kara, S., Ibbotson, S. Kayis, B. (2014) Sustainable product development in practice: an international survey, Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 25 (6), pp. 848-872. Brown, S., Bessant, J. R., Lamming, R. (2013). Strategic operations management. Routledge. Alexander, K. (2013). Facilities management: theory and practice. Routledge.

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