Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Phaedra as an Example of Enlightenment Values - 802 Words

Phaedra, originally part of the large body of Greek mythological works, has been adapted, modified and presented in new contexts in recent centuries. For example, following the original conception of this tragedy by Euripides, versions of it have appeared in Latin, Italian, French, Spanish, etc through the authorship of such great writers as Frencesco Bozza, Jean Racine, Miguel de Unamuno, etc. Eugene O’Neill’s incorporation of it as a subplot in his ‘Desire Under the Elms’ testify to the everlasting appeal of the story. This enduring appeal makes relevant its study in relation to enlightenment values. It is especially relevant to read Phaedra’s life and events in the backdrop of values espoused by the Enlightenment. The Age of†¦show more content†¦(Disch, 1989) In sum, it is fair to say that the tragedy of Phaedra could have been avoided had she applied more balance and propriety to her decisions. In the heat of passionate feelings, her mind was muddled and in no state to let reason thrive. In this sense, the play can be seen as a testimony to the validity of Enlightenment values and corresponding individual virtues. The most striking aspect of Phaedra’s behavior is her disdain for rationality and judiciousness. In a way, such behavior is sub-human, for it is humans who can exercise their will and apply restraint in their actions. By showing that she was not capable of either, Phaedra had caused her own demise and that of the innocent Hippolytus making her twice guilty. The application of Enlightenment values at crucial moments in the play would have led to a different final outcome. Works Cited †¢ Berlin, Normand. The Secret Cause: A Discussion of Tragedy. Amherst, MA: University of Massachusetts, 1981. †¢ Chong-Gossard, J. H. Kim On. The Silence of the Virgins: Comparing Euripides Hippolytus and Theonoe. Antichthon 38 (2004): 10+. †¢ Disch, Thomas M. Phaedra Britannica. The Nation 23 Jan. 1989:Show MoreRelatedPhaedra and Enlightenment768 Words   |  4 PagesPhaedra and Enlightenment values The Enlightenment period was began shortly after the Edict of Nantes in 1685 and lasted through the 18th century. This was an â€Å"intellectual movement† and the writers of this period disapproved of religion and politics ruled by absolutism. â€Å" The movement would question almost every aspect of social and political life in Europe†(Hunt, 522). The writers and scholars that had enlightened views were those who believed that all people are able to apply reason orRead MoreCompare Candide and Tartuffe5528 Words   |  23 Pagescenturies. The Neo-Classic time period contributed in the expansion of peoples view of life.   The Enlightenment period writers focused on reason, knowledge, and rationality as major themes. In this era the  Catholic Church  was still an extremely powerful institution operating throughout much of Europe; however reason was beginning to emerge as an alternative to faith and religion. As a result, Enlightenment writers began to look at the world critically and rationally. Much of the important literature

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