Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Theory of Knowledge Essay - 1329 Words

Knowledge can be gained and interpreted in many different ways. It all depends on how people prioritize different ways of knowing and how they perceive what knowledge is. This has led to the question, Does knowledge consist solely of proven facts and information that can be organized in a coherent manner, or is knowledge deeper, depending not only on facts, but also on interpretation stemming from individual experiences? The question is, are facts alone enough to constitute knowledge or do those facts need to be interpreted under guidance of personal experiences in order to gain knowledge. In two areas of knowledge that have a large role in my life, natural science and religion, I can see both sides to the argument. There are many times that I agree with the statement that â€Å"knowledge is nothing more than the systematic organization of facts.† Facts are, as Eugenie Carol Scott states in her book Evolution vs. Creationism, â€Å"confirmed observations† that can be disproven upon further study (Scott 12). When facts are systematically organized, meaning they are put in a certain order for a specific reason, in a way that allows each piece of information to support the previous information, a coherent synthesis of knowledge is able to be gained. In the natural sciences, this organization of facts is almost entirely logic based. Scientists have to examine what they know and draw conclusions by piecing together facts that make sense. Scientists cannot change the knowledge they have dueShow MoreRelatedEssay on Theory Of Knowledge1523 Words   |  7 PagesTheory Of Knowledge In today’s society, science is regarded as being the most trusted form of knowledge, leading to many claiming it to be the supreme form of knowledge. To investigate whether or not this is justified we must compare science to other forms/areas of knowledge and consider what they each contribute. The strongest argument science has to claim this title, is the objectivity and empirical nature of its method and in particular its verifying processes;Read MoreThe Theory Of Knowledge Essay1699 Words   |  7 PagesTheory of knowledge essay To what extent do the concepts we use shape the conclusions that we reach? Since my childhood I have always been told ‘Education is the key to success!’ and there is absolutely no other way to achieving beyond more than just survival in this fast-paced but deeply cruel and competitive world. 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